Competition won by HSSmith

Create a fun nursery for quadruplets!  Don't make it really small, give these babies some space of their own!


1. MUST have four dressers

2. MUST have four cribs

3. MUST have TWO rocking chairs

4. MUST have four bassinets

5. MUST have at LEAST two armoires

6. MUST have at LEAST two changing tables

7. MUST have a large floorplan with lots of natural sunlight

Make this a nice place for these babies and don't make them crammed into a tiny room. Also DON'T copy the nursery in the

picture especially since it's only for triplets! Good luck and be creative!

Contest Entries

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Make sure your entry fits the contest description and is rendered well
Entering variations of one design decreases your chance of winning!

Sorry but this room cannot be added to this contest. You cannot add remixes to this contest.
Go back and try another room.