Assuming that you are a set designer for movies, design a set for a Producer who wishes to make a movie of "Jane Eyre". Design The Red Room.
Here's a passage from Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre". I want you to recreate the gothic Red room as described in the passage.
The red-room is dark like blood. It emits strange noises and has a large mirror that distorts Jane's appearance. The late Mr. Reed died there, and Jane imagines his ghost now haunts the room, troubled by wrongdoing regarding his last wishes. Outside it is raining, the wind blows against the moors, faint voices are heard. Suddenly, a ray of light enters the room, and Jane cries out, believing that the light is the ghost of her uncle. Her scream of terror alerts Bessie, Miss Abbot, and Mrs. Reed, but they accuse her of trickery and refuse to free her. After they leave, Jane faints.
source: Bookrags.
Please Keep in mind the era of the story.
Have Fun and Enjoy!!!
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